So time for excuses part two! Think you have an excuse not to work out? Think again!
Part II: Excuses for not working out
Excuse one: "I can't train today, my <body part here> hurts"
Bollocks - unless it's maybe your back - but even still there is always options. Legs hurt? Train your upper body. Arms hurt? Guess what? Train your lower body! Back hurts? Pool session or low intensity exercise. If it isn't an unusual pain like I've talked about before, then suck it up princess.
Pain is an excuse that feels legitimate because we can actually feel it. Yet, professional athletes all around the world train through that pain every day. Do you think Billy Slater feels like getting up and training after all those heavy hits he cops every weekend? Do you think that it doesn't hurt? Of course it does, but it doesn't excuse him from doing his job and getting up and training every day. If you have a sore finger, or a paper cut, do you not go to work that day because it would hurt to type? No. You get up, you get dressed, and JFDI.
Excuse two: "I'm too tired"
Okay, so it sucks when you don't have the energy to train. I get this all the time, and it is SO easy to use it as an excuse to do nothing. I'm chronically iron deficient, so I have days where I am literally too weak to pick up my own kids, but on those days I still try and do something. I look at what else I need to get done, cleaning maybe, pooper scooping the yard, washing, and I use that as my exercise and kill two birds with one stone. It's amazing how many calories you burn if you throw the pegs on the ground and have to squat/burpee/lunge to pick them up. There is always something that you can do.
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"The Procrastination Flowchart" from a friend's Facebook.
Sorry about the language but it is so funny and so true!
Like Mish says, do you think people aren't tired getting up at 4am to go running? Do you think they feel like it? Of course not! But get up and do it and you might just find it gives you energy and makes you feel invigorated. If I can do something on a low day, then you can too it's all about how badly you want it.
Excuse three: "It's too hot/cold"
If you live in the south and think it's too hot, come and see the hoards of men and women hiking up Castle Hill here in Townsville every morning. If it isn't too hot here, it's not too hot there. It's too hot is a very poor excuse in this day and age. Go swimming, do bikram yoga, dance like a crazy person under a cold shower, or here's a thought - turn on the fan or air conditioning! If it's too cold that's even more of a reason TO exercise and warm yourself up! This one is just a cop out, don't give in to it!
Excuse four: "I'm sick"
How sick are we talking here? Cold? Flu? Violent gastro? Scarlet fever? Flesh eating parasite? Unless your doctor has explicitly told you not to exert yourself, or you have been hospitalised, there is probably some form of light exercise you can do when you're sick. Go for a walk and get some fresh air, do something light and relaxing like a yoga DVD or some tai chi. Exercising when you're sick can even improve your recovery, but if it's bad enough you've had to go to the doctor, make sure to ask them their professional opinion, but chances are you will be able to do something.
The only reason you can't work out outside of serious illness/injury, emergencies, or natural disaster is because you don't want to. If you need an excuse at least be honest with yourself and admit today you can't work out because you do not want to.