Wednesday 12 September 2012

Screw the scales, the tape measure is where it's at!

So today is a pretty momentous day in my 12WBT journey - my first loss on the scales! I was very happy this morning to see 1-1.5kg gone - it's hard to tell on my old school dial scales! Last week I was so disappointed to see no change, and the week before that it was the same. But does it really matter what I actually weigh? Is that why I am really doing this? 

Pfft, hell no! It matters what size I am. It matters that my stomach is getting flatter, my arms less flabby, my legs more toned. What really matters is what the tape measure tells me. I am doing this to fit into my size 8-10 clothes again.

So what has the tape measure told me so far? I've lost 4cm of my tummy, 3cm off each leg, 3cm off one arm and 4cm off the other. That is now I know this is working.

There are people who get let down by their scales, and they get all mopey and depressed. To those people I say grab your tape measure, because let's be honest, you're doing this be smaller. I'm not saying the weight doesn't matter, I'm just saying there is more to it than what you read on the scales.

I know we're not supposed to measure in between milestones, but I know what it's like to see no change on the scales, and sometimes the number on the tape measure is just the kick you need.

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